Giveaway for 15,000 Facebook Fans – $50 Amazon Gift Card & More!
This post may contain affiliate links and I may be compensated for this post. Please read our disclosure policy here.
We have now reached 15,000 Thrifty NW Mom Facebook Fans! Wow – you guys are awesome! Thanks for sharing the Facebook Fan page with all your friends & family! Let’s see how fast we can make it to 20,000 Facebook Fans! But, now it’s time to celebrate 15,000 Fans, so I have a few fun items to give away!
Enter to win:
1. $50 Amazon Gift Card
2. $40 Gift Certificate to Abe’s Market – Organic, Natural, Green & Eco-friendly products
3. $25 Gift Certificate for Erin Condren Gift Labels
Giveaway Rules:
There will be 3 winners, 1 for each giveaway item. This giveaway will end on Thursday February 3rd at 9pm pst.
The winner will be drawn using and the winners will have 48 hours to contact me, otherwise a new winner will be drawn. You must be 18 years or older to enter the giveaway. {Please make sure that you use an email address that you check frequently as I have had several winners lately not respond to my emails & have had to select new winners.}
*NO Facebook entries or email entries will be accepted! The entries must be comments on this blog post (just scroll to the bottom of the post & the bottom of the comments & add your comment at the end). If you’re reading this in an email, just click on the link to the post then scroll to the bottom to leave a comment. Thanks for understanding!
Here’s how to enter this giveaway – 4 possible entries (first one is required, all the others are extra – make sure all entries are separate comments)
- Leave a comment – simple as that!
( required entry)
- Leave a comment saying you subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed via a reader of your choice or email (must be verified).
- Leave a comment here saying you “like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page (on this post – not on Facebook! :) )
- Follow Thrifty NW Mom on Twitter and “Tweet” about this giveaway, with a link to this post (or my twitter name w/the tweet)! You must “tweet” in order to receive the extra entry (you can do this once per day) & leave your twitter name or link here.
- Share the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook Fan Page with your friends – click on the “Suggest This” tab at the top of the Facebook Fan page to send this page to your friends. Leave a comment saying you did this.
My comment is I LOVE Thrifty NW Mom!!!
15,000 – WOW! Congratulations!
Love you site! You are on top of it! thanks for what you do!
Thanks for a fabulous blog- love the tips to help me save money!
I like how much I have saved because of Thrifty NW Mom!
I “like” you on Facebook… a lot!
I LOVE your page. I check it several times a day for new deals. Thank you for all your hard work!!
I am in! Love Thrifty NW Mom <3
Posted my share just moments ago…will keep at my friends until they all join. What do they have to lose?!!!
Thanks for all your helpful $ saving ideas!
Congrats on getting 15,000 fans! Thanks for the blogs and contest entry :)
I am so happy I found this site. You have saved my family lots of money and made it a fun game to see how much we can save! Thanks
YAY for give-aways!! You are such a blessing to me! I’m so thankful I was directed to your site by a dear friend. I am becoming a coupon-crazy grandma!
I “like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page.
Thrifty is the way to be!! Thanks for your site :)
Would LOVE to win the Amazon gift card!:):)
Love your site!
Thank-you for all of the great tips and deals. You have helped me save a lot of money!
I get Thrifty Mom on facebook. I’ve shared it with friends and love the savings you find or us! Thanks!!!!
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom feed by email. Thank you for all your hard work!
I am so happy my friend suggested Thrifty NW mom, I am now suggesting it to all of my friends. The best site to get the most bang for your buck. Thank you. ;)
Love your site!
Thrifty NW Mom is AWESOME!
I “like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page and enjoy receiving tips on how to bargain hunt. Super fun ideas.
I “like” Thrifty NW Mom, no…I LOVE you on your website and on facebook!!!!
I “like” you on FB!
I love your site and recommend it to others anytime I get the chance………I even had a Target checker writing “you” down one day when I gave her a $10.00 movie coupon. She asked where in the world did I get such a huge/great coupon and I told her where I got the word!! :-)
I like the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook Page. I love hearing about local deals!
I LOVE Thrifty NW Mom more than just “like” it! Because of you, I got to send a Hickory Farms gift to a soldier friend, and I would have never been able to afford it if I hadn’t seen your ad on Facebook! Thanks!
yay for 15k!
Awesome information
Thank you for taking the time to help all of us save!
I subscribe to your feed via facebook
Would love to win something :)
Thanks for everything you post!
I like (no loooove) the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page :)
I have recommended your blog and facebook page to my friends! :)
I “like” your facebook page!!!
I LIKE your facebook page!
i subscribe with my yahoo.
I subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed via Facebook!!
Gotta love a free giveaway… :)
I liked you on facebook ;)
awesome giveaway, hope I win!! :)
i “like” you on fb.
I folllow on “facebook” too! :)
yay! love this blog!
I am a facebook fan.
I shared the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook Fan Page with my friends too. Thank you!
Commenting & praying I win! Thank you!
I subscribe to your blog via google reader!
“Liked” you on FB!
I love all your deals..thank you SO much!!
i also “like” you too
Thanks for all your money saving idea’s and congratulations on making it to 15,000 fans. I have had a slight hand in that, I’ve referred your page to MANY of my friends. Again thank you, I visit your page daily!!!
I like the thrifty NW mom Facebook page and your website. Thank you for being a great resource!
I LOVE Thrifty NW mom!! i do cheat a little because I am not a mom, but I am a collefe student!! I have been spreading the word to my friends, and they love it too!!! These deals are just too good to miss, thank you for helping us find them!
I “LIKE” Thrifty NW mom on FB
Subscribed via Google Reader.
Love your blog. Awesome that it is local!
Congrats on your 15,000 fans! You deserve it! You are a blessing, and you are amazing at finding deals!!! I am very thankful for you, and very happy in your achievement! Good job!
yay! congratz on having so many readers. I hope I win!
I’m old and don’t follow directions well…so I replied to your tweet on Twitter, but I guess I’m supposed to leave a comment here, too? I’m so confused. But I love you on Twitter and on Facebook…AND I get your updates via my email. (I wanted all my bases covered!)
I suggest Thrifty NW mom’s to all of my friends.
“sharing” with friends great deals, is always a good thing!
Thanks for all your hard work! You’re such a sweetie!!
I’m a subscriber
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom feed via Google Reader.
Thrifty NW Mom ROCKS!!!!!!
I shared your page on facebook
I love your blog! Thank you for all your great tips!
I have loved all the deals I’ve been getting thanks to you. Thanks for taking the time to find and share them all!
All I have to do is just comment?? Sweet! Amazon gc pls pls pls!!! :)
I would love to win. You are GREAT!
I have recommended your blog and facebook page to my friends! I love Thrifty NW Mom!!
I love your blog and follow you on Facebook. :)
I “like” you!!
I would love to win the Amazon gift card! I <3 Thrifty NW Mom!
Would love to win!
I don’t just like, I LOVE Thrifty NW mom on Facebook :)
I ‘like’ Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page!
Subscribe to email newsletter
I love that you take time out of your busy day to help all of us save money! You Rock! I hope I win that would be awesome! Mahalo ;)
I want to win, I want to win!
Suggested Thrifty NW Mom to my friends on facebook.
Great information. Thanks
I like you on facebook!
I love your site! I have learned so much! Thank you.
I subscribe on FB. Would be fun to win!
I love your blog! I also like you on facebook and share your page with my friends!
Love Thrifty Northwest Mom!
I ‘liked’ your FB page! =)
Thank you for your awesome work!
I “like” you on FB!!
I liked you on FB!
I would love to win any of the prizes (but the Amazon gift card would be a God send). Keep up the good work, I love your blog!
I “Like” the NW Thrifty Moms Facebook Page
This has become a must part of my day. Appreciate the one stop shop! Congratulations on your accomplishment.
I suggested you to my Facebook friends and family!
I subscribe to your blog via email
Thanks for the contest, I look forward to your posts each day!
I have saved so much using your site…thanks NW Thrifty for all your hard work :)
I subscribe to the ThriftyNorthwestMom feed. :)
I subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed.
I follow you on twitter and retweeted! @lindseyloul
Congrats on 15,000 fans! I bet you make it to the next level lickety spit!
I “Like” the NW Thrifty Moms Facebook Page
I “Liked” the thrifty NW Mom facebook page
Thanks for being a great resource for so many things!
AND I just suggested Thrift NW Mom to all my friends!
Thanks for the deals!
I really like the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page.
Congrats on your fans!
I love you on Facebook. I have suggested you to friends who have joined!
I “liked” you on FB! :)
I “like” you on FB. Thank you for all your time and work…it’s much appreciated!
I love TNWM!
I suscribe to your feed via Facebook!
I subscribe to your emails too
Thanks for all your hard work…love the FB updates!!!
Thanks for your updates! My New Years Resolution to utilize coupons have saved me BIG!
Love your blog!
hi thrifty nw mom,i always love ur page and’ve foung amazingly good deals and benefitted thru it.i’ve shared this page with friends.also like it on fb.
I “like” this Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook.
I subscribed via email!
Subscripbe through facebook
I subscribe to NW Thrifty mom via google reader!
Thanks for all your money-saving tips!
Thank you for this wonderful gift you give us, I “liked” you on facebook, I have suggested your page to friends, I don’t do twitter or else I would follow you there as well, and I dont get emails since you are so good at posting to facebook so it pops up in my newsfeed! Thanks!
Thanks for the contest and all your great leads!
Love all the great deals you post on Facebook! Thanks for helping save money!
I “like” the page! :)
I ‘liked’ the Thrifty NW Mom FB page & I’ve invited friends to do the same.
I like you on Facebook too
…and I suggested you to my pals!
I love your posts through Thrifty NW Mom!!! =D
I subscribe to TNWM through twitter. :)
Love your blog!!
I subscribe via facebook and love all the great deals yall have provided for us all :) thank you :)
Like you on facebook
Would love to win any of these (especially the Amazon GC) :P
Love your site! Congrats on 15,000 fans, hopefully 20 is right around the corner!
I have referred you to ALL my family and friends, co-workers, neighbors and other moms I meet out in public! I am just that impressed with this blog! Its amazing! Thanks!
I subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed via email.
I love your blog! Read it through out my day.
I also “like” you on FB
yay! please enter me :)
I subscribe to you guys through an RSS reader, that’s how I always know what’s going on. Love it!
Congrats! What an exciting giveaway!
And subscribe to you via e-mail.
Oops. I subscribe to TNWM through google reader (I follow on twitter…got my terminology mixed up)
I like you guys on Facebook.
following via google reader :)
I read your blog via feed burner!
I like the TNWM page on facebook!
(and I really do like it!)
Facebook fan!
I subscribe via email and reader!
like you on facebook :O)
I am a FB fan!
I am a fan on Facebook!
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following you on twitter!
I read your blog via Google Reader!
I might be addicted! <3
I shared your fabulous FB page with some of my mom friends through the “suggest this” link.
Love you on facebook!!
I love all the great deals and tips you send!
I tweeted this link @renejb27
forgot to leave my tweet
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I follow your blog and like on facebook :)
I subscribe to your daily email
shared with my friends on facebook shadygrove79 at aol dot com
i like thrifty NW mom on FB!
i like having you on facebook :))
I follow NW Thrifty Mom’s on google reader
Yay contests!
I subscribe on FB!
I *heart* Thrifty NW Mom!
love your blog and deals! congrats on 15,000!
Love following your deals and tips for saving money. So helpful. Thank you.
I’m an email subscriber!!
I like you on Facebook, too!
Love all the deals you let tell us about. Thanks!
I like you on facebook.
I “like” you on fb!
I subscribe to Thristy NW Mom via email! Just signed up- I heard about it from a friend!
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom via email.
I always give your website out when I teach my coupon classes! Love all our posts! :D
I follow you on Twitter!
I would love the amazon gift card!
Yay for 15,000!
I read your blog each and every day!
Hooray for 15,000 fans!!!
I subscribe to email
I just “suggested this” on fb!
Love your blog! Thanks for all you do! !
I subscribe to your email feed.
I “like” you on FB! Thanks for the deals!
I “like” on facebook
I like your facebook page.
I like the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page.
I like you on facebook!
I like you on FB!
Thanks for doing what you do.
I LIKE the Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!!
I get your awesome emails.
I also really “like” you on Facebook!
Also a fan on FB…!
I liked your fb
I get your email!
I “like” you on FB!
Congrats to you! Mandatory entry
Totally like you on FB!
Thank you for all the hard work you do – it’s widely appreciated!!!
I subscribe to your e-mails, too!
I subscribe to you via google reader!
YEAH – Thank you and congrats!
Follow you on an google RSS reader :-)
Yay for Amazon gift cards! :)
I love this site! I am new at this. My daughter is teaching me and she recommended I check out your site. I have shared it with our MOPS group, and two other Bible studies I attend. Its so wonderful to learn different ways to be a better steward of the resources He provides. This way I have opportunities to help others. I love that!
I subscribe via google reader.
Like seeing all the great deals you post.
follow you on FB!
I Like you on Facebook!!!
I subscribe to your emails. Thanks for all that you do!
I like you on FB =)
I also subscribe via email
Looks like some great prizes. Thanks! And thanks for your blog too!
I “like” this page.
Like you on FB!
I “like” you on Facebook!!! I love your Blog! I love your emails, I love your webpage!! Thank you for saving me so much money!!1
I like you in Facebook!! :)
I love TNW Mom page on Facebook! I retweeted and shared with my firends on Facebook, as well. Good luck everyone.
Thanks so much for doing the hard work of saving us all so much $$! Dave Ramsey should be proud =D
On twitter, you know me as Wyoyogi. Thanks for everything!
I like Thriftynorhtwest mom . such great deals . bought one today.
and shared the love, with friends and family
I subscribe via Google Reader.
Hi there!
I subscribe to your emails and I “like” you on Facebook.
Thank you for all of your posts! We’ve saved money and have had more experiences because of your posts!
Thanks for all the great deals I’ve gotten from your site!
I love Thrifty Northwest Mom’s blog! Thanks!
I also “like” you on facebook. :)
And now I also subscribe to your page on my iGoogle page. :)
Congrats!! Happy to be one of the 15k of fans! :)
I liked you on facebook!!
I subscribe via email.
I’m a subscriber via Google reader!
Thank you for all the great info
I’ve “liked” you on Facebook!
I like you on Facebook
I like Thrifty NW Mom on FB!
I like you on facebook.
I always look forward to hearing about new deals on Thrifty NW Mom!!
I love your blog! You’ve saved my family tons :) Thanks for all your hard work!
I subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed via Facebook
I “like” you on Facebook :)
I “like” Thrifty NW Mom on your facebook page
I’ve “liked” you on fb. I also enjoy reading all the deals!
I subscribe to you on Google Reader :)
I like Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!
I “suggested” the Thrifty NW Mom page to my friends on facebook :)
I’ve share you on facebook- several times in fact!
Follow you on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway:!/mburger718/status/32336747564105728
I follow you on Twitter too!
Thank you for all your great posts!!! I love being a fan!!!
Congrats on 15,000!
I “suggested this” page to friends.
Your deals are great! Love the NW!!
I subscribe via email!!! So excited for the deals to come to my inbox!
I “like” Thrifty NW Mom on facebook! Of course! I <3 seeing all the deals on there! You have saved me SO MUCH!
What a fun idea to celebrate with a giveaway! Crossing my fingers… :)
I “liked” you on FB too.
Also, I “like” you on Facebook. :)
Thanks for your help in saving money for my family! I appreciate you and so do they! :)
What a great giveaway! I love following Thrifty NW Mom. Thank you for all your hard work.
I *like* you on Facebook!!
I “Like” Thrifty NW Mom on FB
I suggested Thrifty NW Mom to some friends on FB! Megan Ogilvie Burger
Thank you for the deals!!!! Congrats on 15,000 likers!
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom via email
I’ve asked my friends to follow you also :)
I love your blog…I’ve gotten amazing steals and deals from your tips. Thanks!
I “like” Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook
I am a follower on Twitter! And I tweeted about the giveaway :
I also like you on facebook…
Following on Twitter
Thanks for helping my family save so much money! Please enter me in the giveaway.
Tweeted giveaway
I shared your site with more friends on facebook! Who wouldn’t want all the great deals!! Thanks for all your hard work!
Congrats on 15K :-)
I am an rss feed subscriber on google reader
Have saved so much $$$ b/c of your tips! Thanks!
I suggested Thrifty NW Mom to 2 friends on Facebook
I “like” your facebook page but I really with I could say I LOVE it!!! Thanks for all the money saving and fun tips!
I subscribe via Google Reader.
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I like you on Facebook! Thanks for all the tips & resources. As a new mom I love it!
Suggested Thrifty NW Mom to friends on FB
i subscribe via gmail!!
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i like
I “like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page
i suggested this page to my friends on facebook
I have suggested this page to my facebook friends.
I love Thrifty NW! It’s a wonderful thing!
Thanks for an awesome give away. I love your blog.
I ‘Like’ Thrifty NW on Facebook!
Thanks for helping us save money!
Pick me. Pick me. Heart. Heart. Heart.
I “like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page.
That is awesome about your FB page!! Congratulations!
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom via email ([email protected])
Thank you for all the money saving tips and links!
Thank you and congrats!
I ‘like’ Thrifty Northwest Mom!
I love Thrifty NW Mom. Thanks so much!
I ‘like’ Thrifty NW…thanks! :o)
I am following you on Twitter and did a “tweet” about this giveaway. My twitter name is freezingqueen1
I have liked your facebook page.
Thanks for all the hot tips!
I am a winner! :0)
I follow thriftynorthwestmom site on fb and really enjoy seeing all the cool ways to save money for my family! Thanks for offering such a great give a-ways for fb fans I really hope to win!
I like you on Facebook!
15000 is a worthy achievement for someone in the business of helping others. Here’s to 15k more!!!
wow! lots of fans! Congratulations!
I like you on FB and subscribe through e-mail!
I tried to send the invitation to my friends from FB a couple of time but it didn’t work. I will try again tomorrow!
Thanks for all the money-saving tips you pass along!
I like the Thrifty NW Mom FB page!
Thanks for all you do! Love getting great deals through your facebook page!!
I am a Facebook fan
Congrats and thanks for all the advice and tips!
Thanks for all the great drawings!
I like the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page.
I get you email.
i like you on fb!
i shared you on fb, too!!!
comment! my wife and i would love that amazon gift card!
Congrats on 15,000 fans!
Whoo hoo! That’s a lot of fans! I follow you on twitter and like you on facebook, plus get the e-mails! I’m well covered, and am glad as I wouldn’t want to miss a deal!
already subscribed, too!
Yay, thanks for the great giveaway!
thank you
@MyMrRealEstate on twitter!!!
I subscribe via email and google reader.
“like” the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page
I “LIKE” TNWM on facebook.
I follow you on twitter
I “shared” with my facebook friends :)
Love your site! I follow you on google reader and through FB.
Thank you for all you do for your readers!
Congratulations on the 15,000 fans!
I follow you on fb.
I LIKE tnwm,
I have you everywhere except Twitter… sorry, I don’t have time to “tweet”.. :o)
I “like” you on Facebook!
I love your diaper deals feature.
Way to go!
Neat giveaway! :)
Hi, love your blog! <3
I subscribe via Google reader :)
I follow on Facebook.
Thanks for all you do!!!
So VERY thankful for your webpage!!
I “like” you on Facebook ;)
Re-tweeted @ “onefallday”
I shared Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!
Tried to suggest to friends – but it didn’t go through :(
Oh – I *liked* you on Facebook quite a while ago!!
I subscribe through email
I’m new here and I like you! :-)
Like the ThriftyNorthwestmom FB. Even thought I live overseas I order some stuff online and love that I can still get deals!
I follow you on Facebook.
I follow you on Twitter and love your tips!!!
Would love to win!!
I find your tips so helpful even though I live in a different state.
I have “liked” you on FB for about 8 months now!
so glad I found your site I have gotten some really cool things out of it (entry 1!(
I subscribed to newsfeed via email! Katy Silverman
I tweeted check it out @katysilverman
Of COURSE I “like” you on facebook that’s how I found you!!!
AND… friend suggestions sent on facebook… bummer only limited to 6 per day!
Here’s my comment! lol I have no imagination after midnight.
I “like” you on FB – congrats on 15K!
Love this site. Follow via facebook.
i like you on facebook =]
Just found you through Frugal Living NW.
new e-mail subscriber
I like Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page
Liked you on facebook.
Follow you on Twitter:minibea
Great website!
Like you on Facebook.
Congratulations on reaching 15,000 fans!
I follow you via RSS – google reader
And I “like” you on facebook
Oh oooh pick me!!! Lol Love all that u do! Thank you!!!
Thanks for all the deals, love your blog :)
I subscribe via email.
I like thrifty nw mom on fb.
Thanks for helping my family save money!
I like Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!
Saweet! 15k celebration! Congrats!
I like Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!
I subscribe to Thrifty NW Mom feed via email! Deals delivered right to my inbox, how cool is that?!
Yay, free stuff!
I like the Facebook page!
I love your money saving tips!
Thanks for all the money saving tips and ideas!
follow on Facebook
I like Thrifty NW mom on facebook!
I love to read about the deals you find and other reader’s input as well!
Yay 15,000!!! Congrats
I love Thriftymom on FB! Can’t wait to have free time to do some of these projects!.
And to shop on Amazon with that gift card! =)
I hope I win!
I follow via RSS feed!
I like you on FB!
Keeping my fingers crossed for the Amazon gift card :)
I subscribe to your RSS via google reader.
I like you on facebook Danielle Meek
Love having a blog for us Pacific NW folks, thanks!
I am a facebook fan and LOVE your site! :)
Even though I live in Ohio, I do like to read your blog ;)
Liked your post.
“like” Yahoo, way to go
I *like* Thrifty NW mom on facebook
I “like” Thrifty NW mom on Facebook
I am totally addicted to this blog!
I ‘like’ this Thrifty NWmom on facebook, too!
I shared the Facebook fanpage with my friends!
I like Thrifty NW mom! I like it a lot
I love getting your emails and also liked you on facebook! Thanks!
I love you!
I subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom feed!
I “Liked” Thrifty NW Mom on thr FB page!
I pushed the “Suggest This” tab at the top of the Facebook Fan page sent it to my friends.
I love Amazon! And Thrifty NW Mom!
I Like you on Facebook!
Thank you for all the money saving tips. I’ve really enjoyed them.
I receive your email.
I like you on FB.
love the giveaway!
I’m a facebook fan
Love your blog.. thank you. :)
I like the Nw thrifty mom on facebook
Woohoo giveaways! Entry #1…
And I subscribe via Google Reader!
and I like you on facebook!
my first comment isn’t showing up.
Thanks for the work that you do :)
Hooray for giveaways!!! Love your site:)
I’m a FB fan – use your blog daily
I was unable to “Suggest This” to my friends from the Facebook Fan Page as it gave me an error message. What I did instead was “Share” one of your posts so that it would post to my wall and shared with all my friends what a great site you are and shared the Amazon Gift Card Deal that I wouldn’t have known about if you hadn’t posted.
Love your blog!
I’m a subscriber
I like you on facebook.
Thanks for sharing all your tips!
I LIKE the Thrifty NW Mom facebook page!
I would love to win the Amazon givaway! I’m going to buy a kindle! That would sure help out!
I’m a newbie to your site and facebook page and love it already!
I am so happy I found your website! Thank you for all your good advice!
I like Thrifty NW Mom on Facebook!
love your site, so useful!!
liked you on FB
I really enjoy your blog and tips.
I like you on FB
Love your blog and fb page!!
I get the emails
Great site, found through my friend marlee , I am so happy she liked you on fb!
Thanks for all the time spent finding deals!
WooHoo!!!! Congrats on 15,000!!!!!
You are awsome!! thanks for all the great deals!:)
i subscribe to your feed via email:)
I like your page on facebook
I love following your site via Facebook. Lots of great tips!
your site is great, my daughter told me about it. Not just for new moms, everyone should join.
Thank you for all of your tips and deals!!!
Love your site!!!
Thanks for the chance!
I subscribe via google reader.
I want to win (I don’t think my first comment went through).
I subscribe to your emails
I like you on FB.
I like you on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.
Congrats on reaching 15,000!!
I could really use the amazon gift card, my brother & his wife will be having a baby this summer & would love to get them some diapers.
I subscribe to your e-mail!
I like you on FB!
congrats on 15000 fans. I am one and really need the amazon card. thanks
Love your website!
I just “liked” you on Facebook. Thank you for making everything so easy for us to save money!
I subscribe to thrifty NW mom by following on facebook. :)
I like your FB page too!
Nice job on your site! I follow you on Facebook and YAY FOR GIVEAWAYS!!
I am a fan on facebook!
I love Thrifty NW Mom and have gotten a lot of my friends to realize how wonderful you are. Thanks for taking all of the time that you do to search and post great deals in the area <3
What a great discovery I’ve made stumbling across your blog. Thank you for all the great things you find!
I follow you via email!
I “like” NW Thrifty Moms Facebook page. I follow it every day!!! Thank you!
I “Like” you on Facebook!!!
I’ve shared you on my facebook page so all of my friends can “like” you and win, too!!
I love your site! Thanks for helping me score some screaming deals!
I follow you on facebook and frequently encourage my friends to do the same!
I’d love to win!
thanks for the great site!
I check this blog everyday and have gotten GREAT deals!! Thank you!!!
Hi, Well wishes to you! =)
I subscribe to your Facebook newsfeed too, thanks for the great deals!
Congrats on all your fans! You deserve it! :) Thanks for all your hard work!
I subscribe to you via email!
I’d love to win – thanks!!
I like on Facebook
Thanks for the chance!
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I love Amazon! Would be happy to win the gift card :)
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I am so excited theres a new site for us northwesterners! Thanks so much!
Gonna go find you on FB right now!
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Great website with great giveaways! Will share….
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an amazon gift card would be wonderful!
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I love all the great money saving tips and coupons, ideas! This is an all around great page and i am so glad I found it! I have done my part and passed it on to EVERYONE!!!
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