Help for Haiti – How you and I can help! (Scroll down for current deals – this post will stay at the top of page)

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UPDATE:: I have made this post so that it will stay at the top of the page – scroll on down and you’ll find all the current deals & posts!!

As we all know, the country of Haiti suffered such a devastating earthquake on Tuesday – so many lives lost and such widespread destruction of so many homes, buildings, hospitals, & more.  It is just heartbreaking to now see all the pictures and hear all the stories that are coming out of Haiti.  Knowing that Haiti has always been such an impoverished country, we can only imagine what life must be like now!

My husband and I have really been praying how we can do something as a family to make a difference & support the relief agencies who are working to bring necessary supplies to the Haitians. My purpose when I created this blog was not only to share great deals so that families could spend less & save money – but also to encourage ways to give generously with the money we save!  So, I was excited to see that Crystal from Money Saving Mom has organized a “Help for Haiti” drive, encouraging bloggers and readers to unite & find ways to give generously to the people of Haiti.

First of all, I wanted to highlight a few ways that you can help::

-Pray for the people of Haiti.  Pray for the friends & family members of people in Haiti as they await word about their loved ones. Pray for those who are working with relief organizations and missionaries who are there trying to reach people with supplies.

-Check out the list HERE that CNN has compiled of reputable charities/relief organizations who are directly helping Haiti. There are a number of organizations listed so if you feel led to give financially, you have a number of options to choose from.  The organizations that I would recommend are: World Vision and Compassion International

-For a quick, easy way to make a donation to the Red Cross – all you need to do is text the word “HAITI” to 90999 to send $10 to the Red Cross for relief efforts.  The $10 will then be billed to your cell phone bill.  You can see all the details from the Red Cross about how that works HERE.

UPDATE: A reader just shared this link with me thru – this will put to rest some of the rumors going around such as Jet Blue & American Airlines providing free airfare to doctors, UPS shipping packages under $50 for free & more. Just make sure you do your research if you decide to give!

Here’s what I’m going to do::

Starting today, January 15th thru Monday, January 18th, I will donate $1 for every blogger that links up on my Mister Linky saying how you will help those in need in Haiti. You can get creative – it will inspire others as to ways that they can help out.  The most important part is to spread the word – as bloggers we have the great opportunity to have this platform where we can encourage others to give & show by example what we are doing to help!

I know a number of you do not have blogs – but  you can still help for FREE! All you need to do is leave a comment on this post, sharing how you and your family is helping Haiti, whether it be thru financial means, prayer support, or other means.  I will donate $.50 for every comment left on this post from today, January 15th – Monday January 18th.  

My husband and I will be donating this money to World Vision.  We will donate a total up to $200, from reader comments and links to blogs! This is a wonderful international organization that is based locally in Washington and my church is partnered with World Vision.  Their mission is “Building a better world for children”.  World Vision has been working in Haiti for over 30 years, with over 370 staff members working there.  Here’s what donations will go to:  Your gift now will help distribute life-saving relief supplies – including food, clean water, blankets, and tents — to children and families devastated by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.

Please help me spread the word so we can all do our part to help those devastated in Haiti!  Bloggers, use Mister Linky to link up and share what you are doing to help.  Just put your blog name and list what you are doing to help those in Haiti! Readers, make sure to leave  one quick comment on this post this weekend!!  

Make sure to head over to Money Saving Mom to see what she and other bloggers are doing to help!!  Make sure to visit the blogs listed below to support their efforts as well as all the blogs listed over at Money Saving Mom. I’ve spent quite a bit of time this morning going thru and trying to comment or link to as many as I can! 


  1. we felt our family could do this month was contribute our January dining budget to this ministry real hope for Haiti . I know that every small amount of finances people can offer will add up! And maybe making mention of our giving away the monthly dining-out money can help others; motivating them to think creatively on where they can come up with some extra money to serve those in Haiti. Fifty dollars is not a lot, but we can definitely forego eating out (and serving ourselves) and use that money to serve others instead!

  2. I am donating to the red cross and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints humanitarian aid. I am also posting a comment on all the blogs that are donating. Thanks

  3. I donated 50 swagbucks to their haiti fund and will send a small check of my own. Will look over the charity list in a moment.

  4. Samaritan's Purse is a great organization that's helping out down in Haiti. We made a donation to their efforts, and are praying for the whole country.

  5. I am donating to the Salvation Army here in Canada – they have the same texting thing going on as the Red Cross in the USA. I'm also commenting on as many of these posts as I can.

  6. thank you for making comment-fueled donations! I texted my donations and am trying to increase that amount by commenting on blogs! :)

  7. I have donated to World Vision & In the Fathers Hand (an orphanage in Haiti) where my teenage son spent some time last year.
    Thanks everyone for doing something!

  8. I texted HAITI to 90999, and I asked all my friends to do the same by posting it on my FB status this morning. My prayers are with them.

  9. We can't help financially–DH is unemployed currently–but I donated my swagbucks and I am trying to visit as many blogs as possible to help.

    Thanks for the chance!!!

  10. I have donated through Save The Children and am helping out through blogs as well. Thanks you for doing this!

  11. I am donating to the Red Cross, and I am spending some time commenting on the blogs of some incredibly generous bloggers who are helping me to increase the amount of money I donated from my own pocketbook. My very heartfelt thanks for your generosity and the opportunity for me to comment.

  12. My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
    I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.

  13. Love, hope, faith, peace and blessing to
    all the people in need. Together we can
    help, with money and prayers…

  14. thanks for making comment-fueled donations! i donated via text & am commenting on blogs to increase the giving potential. :)

  15. I have made it my mission to make quilts for all the kids at the orphanage my church supports. Maybe not an immediate need, but one that will be needed.

  16. I am praying for those in Haiti, will donate to a relief organization, and am posting in blogs. Thanks so much for doing this!

  17. thank you for doing this. i gave $25 to doctors without borders, but seeing the generosity of all the bloggers out there makes me think i haven't donated enough.

  18. We texted to give and are now going to donate in honor of every comment, follower or fan that comes in to our blog from now through Sunday. Our hope is that this will push us to do more, in a very public, very accountable way, than we otherwise would have thought we could do.

  19. I dontated money to the Red Cross online, and I'm going to clean out my pantry to donate non-perishables at a drop off point here in town.

    Thanks for doing this!

  20. My children donated their allowance money. My husband and I will add to it and send it on to Samaritan's Purse. I'm also doing as many comments as I can for those bloggers' sites that will donate, and posted a link on my Facebook for friends to do the same.

  21. Thank you so much for doing this! I have been helping spread the word on all the bloggers and praying for those in hati

  22. thank you for your efforts. we'll be donating to our church special offering, which then will be sent to churches in haiti

  23. I'm donating ALL the canned goods currently in my cupboard and 3 packs of water bottles to world vision this week. Also, commenting to add $.50! Praise God that America does care the devasty in Haiti!

  24. thank you. I will be sharing heartwarming stories that bring hope and a sense of togetherness and friendship for those who are lost and/or suffering; we all can be that friend, that someone who can make a difference, if only we look a little deeper, and dare to think a little greater… in loving memory of ga

  25. SwagGrabber posted a deal the other day offering All You ; 40 issues for $40 plus $20 of that goes towards a donation to Haiti; lots of other magazines too, seems like an awesome deal, just wanted to share.


  26. thank you so much for doing this! i donated to UNICEF, donated some swagbucks, & will be giving to my company's relief effort.

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